acuna yuu

Minah Rempit


  • Full Name : Asuna Yuu

  • Nickname : Acuna/Cuna

  • Reasons of Nickname : Given by Karin

  • Birth Date: 9th June

  • Height : 155cm

  • Body build : Slim

  • Shape of face : Heart

  • Eye color : Green

  • Glasses or contact : None

  • Skin tone : Rose beige

  • Distinguish marks : Scars

  • Predominant features : Scar at left cheeks

  • Hair colour : Brown chestnut

  • Type of hair : Straight

  • Hairstyle : Short high half ponytail

  • Voice : Female

  • Usual fashion of dress : Black bikers with jeans

  • Favourite outfit : Casual (shirts and pants)

  • Jewelry or accessories : Necklace C

  • Favourite color : Black and yellow

  • Food : Any kinds of bread and chocolates

  • Drinks : Coffee, milk, citrusy drinks

  • Mode of transportations : Motorbike

  • Biggest accomplishment : Learning magic and have own electric magic power